Customized Gifts For Employees and Channel Partners | eYantra


eYantra’s rewards and recognition programs for employees and channel partners will inspire your team and help you achieve your business goals. Provide an enjoyable, timely reward experience that encourages your partners’ positive behaviors. With eYantra's customizable rewards for businesses, flexible reward procedures, and immediate reward redemption, you'll never miss an opportunity to make your channel partners and employees feel special and cherished.

Why Choose eYantra?

Make every milestone a moment to celebrate with eYantra

eYantra Brand Stores

Unlock Digital Experience 

Digitized rewards to motivate employees and channel partners throughout

eYantra Brand Stores

Build Company Loyalty 

Workforce loyalty grows when they feel their efforts are better appreciated

eYantra Brand Stores

Happiness Guaranteed

Happy employees showcase higher productivity and achieve business goals

eYantra Brand Stores

Improve Retention Rate 

Appreciate your workforce and give them a reason to stay with you

Think Channel and Employee recognition isn’t that important?
Think again!

69% of employees would work harder if they felt their efforts were better appreciated. According to Aberdeen's 2013 employee engagement survey, 67% of Best-in-Class organizations have a formal recognition program in place, compared to 58% of Best-in-Class organizations in 2012.
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